and pastel tragedies

i have found an amazing set of pastels in one of my father's drawers last Tuesday and it'a all so charming *u* the colours included in it were mostly my favourites! mints and cyans and oranges (but i don't like wearing oranges, okay) i was really fascinated and thrilled although i have no idea how to use them and i knew it won't be easy., but the box and everything had an old feel to it as though some heroic artist from the past had handles it truly with care. awesome.
and then~ uncool as i am, later that day i was sulking about the disappearance of my coloured pens, i accidentally hit this (see photo above) from the table by my elbow and it's woeful crashing to the ground made every piece of colour crush away and i ended up picking them up causing this (see photo below)
i am absolutely disgusted with my lack of firmness in committing any movement. it's like Pinnochio without the string. very pathetic.
and then here's something i was busy with last night. practicing how to use them colours:
-it's crazy how when i'm without access to computers at home i get very very eager to blog but when i am in front of an actual computer, my mind stops working and i don't know what to say or do. shame.
PS, do you know how to use pastels of this kind? help.

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