and an artly update

this is my interpretation of Bubba-Joan from the novel Invisible Monsters by oh-so-awesome Chuck Palahaniuk.. the  protagonist there had the lower regions of her face blasted during a car accident (not really. it's up to you to figure out!) she was a celebrity/model, and after that particular jaw-wrecking incident she seemingly just vanished from TV screens. i love how the story was narrated. it is a fantastic read. 
"After My Own Storm"
a portrait for a friend named Santi Obcena. his name might sound familiar since he's fashion collections appear in runways during Philippine Fashion Week. *u* ! awesome dude, yeah.
art projects coming up: portrait for friend Pauline who's gonna celebrate her 19th birthday soon! i'm a bit down on drawing for her since she's not really appreciative of art. i mean i showed her a photo of Allison Harvard once and she was like: "that ain't beautiful!". so yeah.. you get the idea. she's got not a very tasty taste.
-i have another project with someone but i don't want to write about it yet! ^o^