and birthday (!!!)


fellows, romans, cuntrymen!
i am interrupting my precious time of watching We Need To Talk About Kevin right now (thanks to Gasp! this is her gift to me. an illegal movie download, how romantic, right.) to talk about what happened yesterday. which is a very candid day of my life indeed. i had so much fun and laughs. it was, apparently, my 6938th day after birth and friends came over. mum cooked a lot yesterday and the night before yester's (might be reason why she has flu now. i am sad)
i was a bit upset at first because there was someone there who came that was not invited at all. and the nerve of hers to speak such ridiculously friendly-friendly sentences and questions! i hate it when people approach me as though we are great friends, if we aren't. also, note that i am never "nice" or "charming" to those whom i consider "friends", so.  anyways i forgot about it eventually after Kath and the others had arrived.
the food tasted great. although i never really got the hang of it except for the spaghetti. i had to watch over everyone to see if they're fine and enjoy stuff, so i barely got to eat. (food was not even on my mind at those moments! what a rare occurance!). there was karaoke with no modern songs (glad is my heart!) and Erlyn made this weird beverage involving mixture of liquor, coffee powder, evaporated milk, and coke.  i am not sure what that was all about but it tasted great and i may have had a bit too much because later, that night, my whole body literally turned red and super itchy.
i was funny and everyone else was, too.  (click photos for holistic enlargement. but then again why would you)
and then some friends from elementary school came over that night! when the fun cholesterolly people have left;
i received a gift from my previous student-teacher, a shirt with a cute print. and from Apple (girl in blue in photo above); she gave me a blank cassette and CD! i think this is a very creative sort of gift. 
i think, although i behave somehow half of my age, i am mature in many ways already. i just don't show it, but i begin to be more comprehensive and honest to what ever i feel. i hope things go well for me. i am growing to be less of an optimist. ha ha.
also, i made a playlist for while the visitors are eating. they didn't approve of it well.


and programme

(the following texts are addressed directly to certain people whose names i have disguised for protection and lack of interest)
i am quickly typing all my thoughts in a rush right now because my father just banned me from using his laptop due to his lack of knowledge in using so. i know, that sounds weird, but that is the kind of person my father is. he is an egoistic idiot who gets mad over matters his ancient brain fail to comprehend. it is pitiful and definitely not my fault. i get blamed anyway. congrats to me. i want to tell him this "old dogs can't learn new tricks" thing but then again that's like admitting i am a puppy so i'd rather not.

regarding these vague facts discussed, this blog entry might be my last one for a good number of days. i will still be breathing via respirator (in terms of slow, un-two-tabs-able cellphone internet) in Faebook and twitter.
this post is about my birthday party thing. i really don't want to make a big deal out of it but Apple, a precious friend from elementary school (note: she has nothing to do with the iPhone company), said she would come after seeing my unintentionally "inviting" (what) collage poster. so yeah. her intentions include borrowing books and---that only. seems legit enough.
my other classmates/friends who are going to attend want the loud, non-life-changing dirty-market tidy birthday celebration type of event (including fcking Karaoke! microphone and lewd over-used commoner songs!)  they are used to in their remote areas of habitation, but sorry, guys. Shin is a well-refined young lad who prefers a quiet evening with dim lights among you few selected ladies (and boys, if Glenn and Cendrick would mind ever coming) and his idea of a 'party' is something more subtle. therefore, see: photos below
BEHOLD, MY FRIENDS. THIS IS HOW I EXPECT THINGS ARE GOING TO BE LIKE (or howw it would look as i picture it in my mind):
^last photo is very important.
i hope you got the idea clear in your minds now. and although the stinky atmosphere of my humble home is not competently attributing to the visual associations pleaded to be felt by the photographs above, you sre shouldn't mind it very well because, guys, it is not your birthday anyways. you are mere accessories to my happiness. ha ha. *iloveyouall*
music! you know me, and the music i am likely to play! here are some of them.



and invitations

this is a 12" x 15" painting i did the day before yester's. it's called blóð turn; lumi i lotëve  (Blood Tower, River of Tears) the first phrase is icelandic, and then albanian. i like the sounds of them words so yeah, special thanks to Google translator.
i went to school yesteday to have my clearance signed and succeeded on that. however i still have problems regarding statistical matters of thesis. i should have gone there today, actually. but will delay it until tomorrow. after all, some people have it worse. ha ha. glorious mentalities.
i have also mailed a package to Eda. something i have wrapped up for some time now. miraculously, it dropped by her home early today. it is a super fast mail and i am very much amused. the expensive ship rate is well worth it.
this is one of the photographs included in there. i made a printed  photo playlist! picture property above belongs to her.
some invitation/poster i did. i just felt like collage-ing internet pics and came up with this. tumblr (in which all photographs are stolen from) is literally the best thing ever. my birthday is coming up and i am thrilled because friends will come over.
for Harry, who is going to get married soon. i am happy with the result of this one. he also wants me to do a large-scale painting as a gift to them newlyweds. i will try.
life is going by drearily (although it is boiling hot all the time, thanks global warming) but i don't really find matters too inconvenient. my mind is changing, i guess. i am still not finished with the Agatha Christie book i'm reading. and downloaded the wrong torrent film under the name Submarine. sigh. too upset to live, tho.
see you later.


and Nuitberry

Nuitberry. or "I Killed Him Because He's Going To Die Anyway"
my name is Shin. and i rarely blog anymore because 1) as usual, there is nothing interesting in my life to ever write about and 2) our slowpoke internet connection makes me very upset.
i guess i just have to use this thing right now to show my new drawing, as seen above. to be honest i find it melancholic because nobody really seems to appreciate what i do except about three people. however Chelsea says that's usually how it works at first, so i'll be fine, i guess. it's just a bit threatening how i might never become a person who earns dough through drawing and just staying at home fiddling with watercolour and stuff. how fearsome the thought is.
another thing i worry about is my ever-growing pile of to-read books. i am thrilled about getting all of them finished but it shouldn't be that way since i must just enjoy each one individually.

must re-evaluate priorities. still has three packs of purchased books unopened since bought. my shelf is again running out of space although i have boxed up so much pocketbooks. how demure~
wall + a little of my workspace which i never "work" on because all my rubbage are located.   damn girl i seem like a contemplative minimalist if you look at it this way.
by the way i am now totally fascinated by camera flashes. my room was pitch black when i took this shots!
part of what i've been working on this afternoon. it's already finished, but i will only take a decent picture tomorrow since the whole paper is still very wet. he's just the other half of the whole thing. there's another character to come up!