and 2 new illustrations

here are two new illustrations i did a couple of days ago.
Our Lady of Melodramatic Sluts
that above is drawn originally as a gift for my literature professor and was originally named Death by Nutella, but i figured the name was quite inappropriate and my teacher won't like this because it is not calming to look upon. what do you think?
looked like my cousin , unintentionally. her forehead was just plain and has no bangs at first (you can see the original forehead outline somewhere there). then it looked uncomfortable, like, she's a cancer patient in a wig or something, so i changed it a bit.
in other news, my phone's memory card is still in trouble, so i am still problematic. i think the folders went into a very formal "hiding" and i don't know how to make them show. like, i can play music on my phone and the pictures can be viewed (the porn videos, too.) (did i really have to mention that?) but when i view the memory card area, there are no folders there.
if you know what's wrong, please comment so.

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